The weather fear porn channel is so far removed from what it was just a few years ago. Hyping any weather event and drawing broad conclusions over things that have been happening for thousands of years.
Their copious segments on preparation and massive destruction are sitting in the edit room, unused. Don't worry they said, hurricane season is just peaking and there's still hope for a CAT 5!!
Watched them for the first time in years, just the other day. Live 24 hour coverage of the flooding in DC!, oh no, rescue workers were launching a inflatable dingy, to cross a fricking puddle, maybe 30 feet wide, before a underpass, were a car was stuck in 3 inches of water! While people were walking around on the dry side of the underpass, waving to cameras! Reminds me of when Jim was knee deep in water reporting about how bad the storm surge is, when the camera panned out showing on-lookers walking by calmly. Kabuki Theater! Meanwhile to founder of the Weather Channel continues to make fun of the Climate Change proponents.