why do you think they project that we are violent? perhaps because the only way they lose is with 100 million angry Americans hunting their well established bloodlines. the Payseur family certainly knows this, that is why all of the children are adopted out to handlers with different last names. Why do you think Epstein was obsessed with genetics? you really dont get it.
Lol…Nice try. Children is the operative word.
why do you think they project that we are violent? perhaps because the only way they lose is with 100 million angry Americans hunting their well established bloodlines. the Payseur family certainly knows this, that is why all of the children are adopted out to handlers with different last names. Why do you think Epstein was obsessed with genetics? you really dont get it.
🙄 You have no idea what I do or don’t “get.”
I’ll speak slowly.
We don’t advocate for the killing of children on this board.
then we lose.