Transgenderism is a mental DISorder, they are ill. I wouldn't go far as to say disabled, but they aren't well. The mentally ill need psychiatric help, not to be accommodated in their fantasy. When a schizophrenic starts to hear voices, people don't just suddenly accept that "reality" and say, "Yes, I value your truth. You are Elvis Presley and you do need to get a gun to fight the CIA agents that are trying steal your trail mix."
Transgenderism is a mental DISorder, they are ill. I wouldn't go far as to say disabled, but they aren't well. The mentally ill need psychiatric help, not to be accommodated in their fantasy. When a schizophrenic starts to hear voices, people don't just suddenly accept that "reality" and say, "Yes, I value your truth. You are Elvis Presley and you do need to get a gun to fight the CIA agents that are trying steal your trail mix."