What's the 411, frens?
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Do you really TRUST it? Only a computer can crunch the numbers. First choice, second choice. Can you imagine doing anything else in life that way?
I trust it just about as much as I trust any of our voting systems right now. But the idea behind it is pretty great imo. Imagine (totally making this up)..... Dems put up Hillary for the 2024 election, and Repubs put up Bush Jr the 5th for 24. MAGA party nominates Baron Trump as their candidate and so on. But.... In our current system. A lot of people might be worried about throwing their weight behind Baron.... b/c what if he doesn't get enough votes? Then I'm stuck with Hillary. Essentially you rank them in the order you want them to be POTUS. Trump, Bush Jr , Clinton. If Baron only secures 10% of the vote. Then all votes for Baron are tossed aside as if they'd never existed and your vote now becomes a vote for Bush Jr. So, if your main man didn't win, at least your back up guy has a chance.
That’s the stupidest idea ever. So my vote would magically go to somebody that I did not vote for. Stupid. Here is why https://patriots.win/p/15JAlkUscK/heres-where-things-stand-for-sar/c/
I'm sorry you don't understand it.
I completely understand - I just don’t agree with YOUR idea, that it’s a benefit!
I am sorry you don’t understand That!