That star is Sirius. It is the brightest star in the sky, and it is 20 times brighter than the sun. The great pyramid was built to align with Sirius, so that the light from Sirius would shine into the Queen's Chamber. It was the most important star in the sky to ancient Egyptians. It is also a Masonic symbol. Freemasons call it The Blazing Star. It is equivalent to the all seeing eye.
That star is Sirius. It is the brightest star in the sky, and it is 20 times brighter than the sun. The great pyramid was built to align with Sirius, so that the light from Sirius would shine into the Queen's Chamber. It was the most important star in the sky to ancient Egyptians. It is also a Masonic symbol. Freemasons call it The Blazing Star. It is equivalent to the all seeing eye.