The More Vaccines You Take, The More Likely You Will Catch COVID Again: JAMA
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Overheard two professional females conversing today - Both vaxxed and boosted aka quadvaxxed from what I could tell:
Woman 1: "Yeah, this time it knocked me on my ass for a week. [COVID] third time this year"
Woman 2: "I heard. You inspired me to go get my second booster. I asked my doc if I could get a third booster and he said 'not yet'"
I'm not even sure what this was supposed to mean. The thought process of listening to someone say they are quadvaxxed and sick three times, so the other wants to go get more injections? WTF? These people have a serious mental disorder going on.
As a layman this looks psychological akin to the Stockholm syndrome, where the captives befriends their captors.
It seems like the covidians deep down know something is wrong, so their minds twist reality into something more comfortable.
Nah, they're just retarded
Assuming you're not being sarcastic, your statement is very harsh, and i believe wrong also. You cannot conclude that 2/3 to 3/4 of the first world are retarded, because they succumb to government fear mongering.
These people are willfully ignorant. We live in an age when we have pretty much any information we could dream of at our fingertips...if we are willing to look for it. The vast majority of people I know aren't willing to look and in my experience, most of them don't want information from family members who ARE willing to research things. They've literally become information retardant (think along the lines of fire retardant).