Thanks Obama, Thanks NoName, thanks Doug Ducey. All of these wretched people have been depleting our natural resources, and giving them away to foreign interests while padding their own pockets.
All of them and their family members who benefitted, need to be pay it all back, and be punished for this crimes.
Hmm. You want to see politics? Check out Central Arizona Project. My family in New Mexico has been fighting for Gila river water since the late 50's by an initiative launched by Morris Udall and Barry Goldwater. This is BIG for southwestern New Mexico and could stop some more dumb-assed legislation for the sole purpose of wasting the money set aside for ACTUALLY RETAINING SOME 134,000 ACRE-FEET PER YEAR! THANK YOU! This info has been forwarded to the appropriate eyes.
Filed under "Highly Probable"....
Looks like they are pulling a Nestlé. Steal water, get a slap on the hand, pay a small fine, profit more. Rinse and repeat.
Gotcha, thanks for the info. Didn't even look into this. On a side note fuck nestle and their corrupt dealings.
Thanks Obama, Thanks NoName, thanks Doug Ducey. All of these wretched people have been depleting our natural resources, and giving them away to foreign interests while padding their own pockets.
All of them and their family members who benefitted, need to be pay it all back, and be punished for this crimes.
...send them back to the litter box and tell them to drink oil....
Hmm. You want to see politics? Check out Central Arizona Project. My family in New Mexico has been fighting for Gila river water since the late 50's by an initiative launched by Morris Udall and Barry Goldwater. This is BIG for southwestern New Mexico and could stop some more dumb-assed legislation for the sole purpose of wasting the money set aside for ACTUALLY RETAINING SOME 134,000 ACRE-FEET PER YEAR! THANK YOU! This info has been forwarded to the appropriate eyes.
...where we howl 1, we howl all....
Oh yes. I heard about that.
Thanks dog for bringing it up. It was on one of PBS documentary. They have major security on perimeters and will shoot anyone who dares to come close., that is "major security"... is going to be like "Dune"....
Not if God has anything to do with it. Bunch of rain falling in the area now. Pray. God is great.