Thanks man. Just like when discussing anything related to the Cabal, it's always a multi-facteted issue. It's hard to talk about one piece of it, without acknowledging or discussing the other parts, to help explain and give context. Social media and it's effect on women is just a piece of the puzzle. And there is soooo much to unpack.
But try actually explaining that to a normie and their eyes will just glaze over.
I've spent a lot of time on this subject in general, because I haven't been able to find a mate. I'm not so dense that I don't acknowledge my own faults in this arena and work to try and improve them. I missed the boat in life in many different ways, but at least God has shown me the light and set me down this path for a reason. Exactly why it's called The Great Awakening.
Thanks man. Just like when discussing anything related to the Cabal, it's always a multi-facteted issue. It's hard to talk about one piece of it, without acknowledging or discussing the other parts, to help explain and give context. Social media and it's effect on women is just a piece of the puzzle. And there is soooo much to unpack.
But try actually explaining that to a normie and their eyes will just glaze over.
I've spent a lot of time on this subject in general, because I haven't been able to find a mate. I'm not so dense that I don't acknowledge my own faults in this arena and work to try and improve them. I missed the boat in life in many different ways, but at least God has shown me the light and set me down this path for a reason. Exactly why it's called The Great Awakening.