Number 7 on your second 'list' A spot of tea w u9994. Article 7 talks about testing nagalese level for potentially early dx of cancer (or autism), 'early' meaning not yet visible on a scan level of cancer. Also discusses the tx of both cancer and autism (if it is a virus) with injections of gcMAF, and seeing positive effects and, in some cases, reversed autism and cured cancer. Fascinating stuff.
Number 7 on your second 'list' A spot of tea w u9994. Article 7 talks about testing nagalese level for potentially early dx of cancer (or autism), 'early' meaning not yet visible on a scan level of cancer. Also discusses the tx of both cancer and autism (if it is a virus) with injections of gcMAF, and seeing positive effects and, in some cases, reversed autism and cured cancer. Fascinating stuff.
...uk9994 is a researching beastie....
...many times I read one of their posts, and sit back and say "wow"....
God bless you for your readership and your encouraging words....