We are all from different parts of the world with different walks of life. At the peak of the vaccine mandate, things got really intense--especially in some parts of the world. I had no social pressure from friends or family, but there were was some with my career.
The place I work at sent out a letter saying that vaccination was required for further employment. I began sending out job applications, and got an interviewed for a job that I really wanted, but they said I had to get vaccinated. At that time, I realized how much the pressure sucked for those I was reading about in the news. Very thankful now I never took the vaccine.
What is your story? Did you ever consider taking the vax?
At my old job, they kept asking everyone to put their status in a database. I just ignored the emails. There was a townhall one day. Company is based in Boston/New York but has offices all over the country. They weren't prepared. In the Zoom chat, there were a lot of 'so, are you going to fire me if I don't agree?' and since it was being recorded, it ended up being a very wishy washy call. Afterwards, one of the C-Suite who couldn't get on the call sent an email around that was a tirade of how stupid people were - just watch the news! Major eyeroll. (I am so tempted to send him an email asking if he plans on sending a follow-up apology. Asshole.) I left at the end of last November and they were planning on charging extra premiums for health insurance for those that were not vaccinated startingin January 2022. I hope someone is suing their ass for discrimination.