Even the gayses people are fed up...
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Your argument is that NONE of them were just "born like that."
I have no doubt we can find instances of what you're talking about. I also know that in my circle of gay acquaintances - which I promise is a much larger sample size than yours - only one that I know of was molested as a child.
Which is why I said there's a whole lotta exceptions to your rule.
Although the state of "science" is deplorable, there are plenty of "scientific" studies out there that refute your assertions. You just don't want to look at them. Isn't confirmation bias wonderful?
Oh, they're there. But you won't read them if I do. Your mind is too closed to consider anything that's contrary to your perceptions. So why waste my time?
NONE of them were born like that.
You're simply wrong.
You're literally committing genetic and spiritual suicide. Nothing you say has any meaning or value until you grow a pair, rectify your degeneracy and seek repentance.
You know nothing about me. I've been voluntarily celibate for years, and I enjoy a daily walk with Jesus. Stop assuming.