Ugh. What a disgusting industry. HGTV and Food.... both stealthy in their indoctrination, but it's there nonetheless. Also, the tattooing of the entire body comment makes total sense. Very interesting clip - thanks for sharing. Oh, I have always wondered why PDiddy wears glasses at night and having evil eyes also makes sense. Demons.
Well there's no shortage of replacements for those [THEY] kill off. Millions of kids seeing all the bling and babes and limousines, some of whom might have some talent, are just waiting in the shadows to fill the open slots. The cabal has an endless supply of willing marks who will sell their souls for a Bentley, gold chains, and fame. It's a self-perpetuating class of people, and I am very grateful I never got anywhere near that shit show.
My coworker was like hey you like Kendrick? I’m like, no not really. 😂
Met a ‘dancer’ who was chillin with my uncle who said herself he makes his money on drugs and human trafficking. (She ‘partied’ with him) Rumors are exactly that but compiled with their dark lyrics and disgusting lifestyles. It’s undeniable.
Ugh. What a disgusting industry. HGTV and Food.... both stealthy in their indoctrination, but it's there nonetheless. Also, the tattooing of the entire body comment makes total sense. Very interesting clip - thanks for sharing. Oh, I have always wondered why PDiddy wears glasses at night and having evil eyes also makes sense. Demons.
Yes the big black dark glasses phase is obviously symbolism.
These super tough manly thug rappers have some dark secrets and shame they try to hide in their eyes.
They know those around them know, so they try and hide the truth in their sad little eyes.
Well there's no shortage of replacements for those [THEY] kill off. Millions of kids seeing all the bling and babes and limousines, some of whom might have some talent, are just waiting in the shadows to fill the open slots. The cabal has an endless supply of willing marks who will sell their souls for a Bentley, gold chains, and fame. It's a self-perpetuating class of people, and I am very grateful I never got anywhere near that shit show.
Take a look at fed clearance holding goons driving around their expensive ass Denali's, etc... They're sellouts
“I know the secrets, every other rapper sexually abused I see ‘em daily buryin’ they pain in chains and tattoos” ‘Mother I Sober’ by Kendrick Lamar
My coworker was like hey you like Kendrick? I’m like, no not really. 😂
Met a ‘dancer’ who was chillin with my uncle who said herself he makes his money on drugs and human trafficking. (She ‘partied’ with him) Rumors are exactly that but compiled with their dark lyrics and disgusting lifestyles. It’s undeniable.