The FBI……. in Case You Didn’t Know!!🤔🤨
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For that matter, the DOJ is also absent from the Constitution. Just sayin'....
Yes indeed. When I became a citizen I had to study the constitution to pass my oral test. There I learned that law enforcement is delegated to the local governments only. The state, and the county have a constitutional obligation to provide public safety in the form of fire department and sheriff and his deputies. Police departments operate with the consent of the sheriff in the county. All tho some states like New York have changed and corrupted the laws by appointing a Sheriff instead of electing one by the citizens of the county.
Welcome, patriot.
Thank you. I have done my best to warn my fellow citizens of the dangers of communism. In turn some call me a conspiracy theorist. But I’m sure most people here can relate.
Oh we do, we most certainly do. Glad you're part of the resistance.
99% of the government is unconstitutional Judge Roberts said as much recently. Paraphrasing that ruling about agencies creating regulation.
I wish I were more conversant with the Federalist Papers, but I do think the Founders, when discussing how this government should be framed did not want the federal government to have very much power over the states. After all, it was the STATES that created the federal government, not the other way around. I am just enough acquainted with these discussions to know that they wanted to limit the reach of the federal government, thus the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
I sometimes wonder what the fed would look like if it were forced to live within the Founders' vision? I like to think that the fed would be some far off entity that we rarely heard from except in case of a real, actual national emergency, and not the stupid made-up ongoing show that never ends like covid or monkeypox.
Any government that has to create fake emergencies just to seize more power for itself is a tyranny.