Some say the time of Jacobs trouble began with the 1913 Fed reserve or the French revolution.. some also say that the great tribulation was when Jerusalem was destroyed. There were other periods of great tribulation especially under the Catholic church and their anti Christ popes. That verse also says of the great tribulation that it shall never be again. I take that to mean there will still be a period of earth time after that event. I believe bible prophecy is carried out over time and that it is a process. Sometimes very long. For example it should be very clear that the bottomless pit is open and that Satan is now in the process of deceiving the world. If that is true, and it is then we can see a period of the millennial reign to have occurred around 800-1800. Note too that during this period those who constitute the synagogue of Satan were not welcome anywhere near Christian communities or Christian nations. Next up May be the battle Gog and Magog. The stage is being set. Unfortunately many people look to Palestine for the battlefield. I believe the battlefield will be Europe and America where the true descendants of Jacob/Israel reside. If you still believe in the rapture you are NOT battle ready. Take this for what it's worth and do more study.
I appreciate the time you took to write that, but I don't base my scriptural understanding on what other people are saying/have said. Doubtless, many people throughout history have thought the end was nigh, take the Jews during WW2 for example, there were so many parallels to Hitler and the Antichrist beast system but just because there are similarities and parallels does not make it THE actual event. The Great Tribulation is still in the future. The beasts coming out of the earth and all the other crazy stuff is not figurative but LITERAL. If you view scripture from a figurative perspective than you will be "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
I cannot disagree with you. It is best to not be locked into one perspective. Truth is prophecy is written so that we can with hindsite know that God is true. Try as we may, and I do, to use prophecy to forecast events seems to be vague at best. But we try with best intentions.
With all that said, I do think the end is nigh, but when we read about the seals that Jesus Christ opens and the plagues and judgements that cover the earth, those are 100% literal just as the plagues in Egypt were literal. Once we are there, there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that the judgement of God is here in full force. So much so that scripture shows us that even those who don't side with God end up shaking their fists to the Heavens and cursing God because of the despair and scorching heat and plagues that cover the earth, and yet they still won't turn to God. Basically there will be no atheists in the Great Tribulation, everyone picks a side.
Some say the time of Jacobs trouble began with the 1913 Fed reserve or the French revolution.. some also say that the great tribulation was when Jerusalem was destroyed. There were other periods of great tribulation especially under the Catholic church and their anti Christ popes. That verse also says of the great tribulation that it shall never be again. I take that to mean there will still be a period of earth time after that event. I believe bible prophecy is carried out over time and that it is a process. Sometimes very long. For example it should be very clear that the bottomless pit is open and that Satan is now in the process of deceiving the world. If that is true, and it is then we can see a period of the millennial reign to have occurred around 800-1800. Note too that during this period those who constitute the synagogue of Satan were not welcome anywhere near Christian communities or Christian nations. Next up May be the battle Gog and Magog. The stage is being set. Unfortunately many people look to Palestine for the battlefield. I believe the battlefield will be Europe and America where the true descendants of Jacob/Israel reside. If you still believe in the rapture you are NOT battle ready. Take this for what it's worth and do more study.
I appreciate the time you took to write that, but I don't base my scriptural understanding on what other people are saying/have said. Doubtless, many people throughout history have thought the end was nigh, take the Jews during WW2 for example, there were so many parallels to Hitler and the Antichrist beast system but just because there are similarities and parallels does not make it THE actual event. The Great Tribulation is still in the future. The beasts coming out of the earth and all the other crazy stuff is not figurative but LITERAL. If you view scripture from a figurative perspective than you will be "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
I cannot disagree with you. It is best to not be locked into one perspective. Truth is prophecy is written so that we can with hindsite know that God is true. Try as we may, and I do, to use prophecy to forecast events seems to be vague at best. But we try with best intentions.
With all that said, I do think the end is nigh, but when we read about the seals that Jesus Christ opens and the plagues and judgements that cover the earth, those are 100% literal just as the plagues in Egypt were literal. Once we are there, there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that the judgement of God is here in full force. So much so that scripture shows us that even those who don't side with God end up shaking their fists to the Heavens and cursing God because of the despair and scorching heat and plagues that cover the earth, and yet they still won't turn to God. Basically there will be no atheists in the Great Tribulation, everyone picks a side.
It will be global warming at its finest. The day is coming burning like an oven....