You won't like any source I find for you because the information contained will cause cognitive dissonance to any indoctrinated believer. You'll say I'm full of shit and I can't find a good source. It's mentally easier. Well it exists.
Now you know it exists. If you actually care, you'll find it.
The source that some random guy online claims is true but doesn't have the balls to post what it says? Yea, I'm good.
I'm fully open to hearing what you have to say. I'm just not going on a wild goose chase based on some hope that what I find will be true just because you said it is. If you're so confident in what you believe and actually care about the truth you should be out there spreading it yourself like Christians and Atheists do with what they believe to be true. Not hiding it away like some esoteric, arcane knowledge that only the elect can know (the elect being anyone who will play your silly little egg hunt game). I have better things to do than chase after every lead that someone throws me, I'd rather focus on the ones that people give out actual information on ahead of time and tell me what it's all about before expecting me to just start researching it as if it's valid and true and I should just accept that and do as you say.
Everyone here but you is willing to share what they believe, Christian or not. None of them are afraid of being called "full of shit" because that doesn't matter if what you say is true. But somehow what you would say is so unimaginable that all would recoil and refuse. Yea, alright buddy. Show me you're not full of shit and post even one thing you claim is so unprecedented to us "indoctrinated" folk (I've not once been to church and no one contributed more to what I've come to, recently I might add, believe than Jesus Christ himself). Post the most contradictory thing you can find to boggle my mind and I'll consider it just like everything else I read.
Nope, you shouldn't just change your mind.
You should go to the source.
I already told you what to look for.
Find it.
You won't like any source I find for you because the information contained will cause cognitive dissonance to any indoctrinated believer. You'll say I'm full of shit and I can't find a good source. It's mentally easier. Well it exists.
Now you know it exists. If you actually care, you'll find it.
What's to worry? It's just the Pentateuch.
The information is available.
The source that some random guy online claims is true but doesn't have the balls to post what it says? Yea, I'm good.
I'm fully open to hearing what you have to say. I'm just not going on a wild goose chase based on some hope that what I find will be true just because you said it is. If you're so confident in what you believe and actually care about the truth you should be out there spreading it yourself like Christians and Atheists do with what they believe to be true. Not hiding it away like some esoteric, arcane knowledge that only the elect can know (the elect being anyone who will play your silly little egg hunt game). I have better things to do than chase after every lead that someone throws me, I'd rather focus on the ones that people give out actual information on ahead of time and tell me what it's all about before expecting me to just start researching it as if it's valid and true and I should just accept that and do as you say.
Everyone here but you is willing to share what they believe, Christian or not. None of them are afraid of being called "full of shit" because that doesn't matter if what you say is true. But somehow what you would say is so unimaginable that all would recoil and refuse. Yea, alright buddy. Show me you're not full of shit and post even one thing you claim is so unprecedented to us "indoctrinated" folk (I've not once been to church and no one contributed more to what I've come to, recently I might add, believe than Jesus Christ himself). Post the most contradictory thing you can find to boggle my mind and I'll consider it just like everything else I read.
I'm not telling you to go on a wild goose chase.
I'm telling you this is something you cannot accept from a stranger in the internet.
This is spiritual and you're not going to get it from me and you shouldn't.