Oh, ffs. They're just throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks. Let's see which "researchers", "doctors" and other "experts" will prostitute themselves to support this PATHETIC shuck-and-jive attempt to cast blame ANYWHERE else other than the actual cause - the experimental drug injections. Go ahead, assholes - get yourselves on the record supporting this ridiculous BS. The white hats want to clean as much scum out of the pond as possible before the dam breaks so step right on up and get your names on the record, you execrable pieces of swamp scum.
Oh, ffs. They're just throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks. Let's see which "researchers", "doctors" and other "experts" will prostitute themselves to support this PATHETIC shuck-and-jive attempt to cast blame ANYWHERE else other than the actual cause - the experimental drug injections. Go ahead, assholes - get yourselves on the record supporting this ridiculous BS. The white hats want to clean as much scum out of the pond as possible before the dam breaks so step right on up and get your names on the record, you execrable pieces of swamp scum.