Not entirely true, I know many vax and not vax people, seems they have the same chance when it comes to flu/coof of, for what ever reasons, getting hit hard.. MOST that I know(including myself), it was very mild to a few days of feeling like hell then, getting over it but, there have been a couple who ended up in ER both vax(cant say if it was 1 2 3 4 ) and not jabbed. None, thankfully died though nor did they stay IN the hospital, just long enough to get fluids and meds then peaced out to go deal with it at home. Clotshot is NOT stopping people from ending up in ER but, it IS getting people ill or damaged so, pass on the shots, thanks. My reaction to coof was extremely mild, if it was not for my husband having it and hit pretty hard, I would not of even known I had it (just felt tired and had a day of insane sneezing as if my body was saying "ah, hell no, gtfo". Makes me wonder if I had it sometime in the last two years already and passed it off and a mild cold, I dont get sick often as it is so, guess my immune system is pretty solid.
you're in the ER because of all of those things, not in spite of them.
Not entirely true, I know many vax and not vax people, seems they have the same chance when it comes to flu/coof of, for what ever reasons, getting hit hard.. MOST that I know(including myself), it was very mild to a few days of feeling like hell then, getting over it but, there have been a couple who ended up in ER both vax(cant say if it was 1 2 3 4 ) and not jabbed. None, thankfully died though nor did they stay IN the hospital, just long enough to get fluids and meds then peaced out to go deal with it at home. Clotshot is NOT stopping people from ending up in ER but, it IS getting people ill or damaged so, pass on the shots, thanks. My reaction to coof was extremely mild, if it was not for my husband having it and hit pretty hard, I would not of even known I had it (just felt tired and had a day of insane sneezing as if my body was saying "ah, hell no, gtfo". Makes me wonder if I had it sometime in the last two years already and passed it off and a mild cold, I dont get sick often as it is so, guess my immune system is pretty solid.