Gaw spirit
We should all take a moment to appreciate how this platform has helped us all to come together, and improved how we interact when we disagree on things.
I appreciate you all.
We're not all going to agree, but agreement isn't the point. The only thing we need to agree on as American's is respecting each other's right to live how we choose. as long as consent is respected and children are protected, most everything else is semantics. Don't wanna watch porn? Don't go to porn websites. Don't want to see LGBTQ stuff? Don't go where it is. Point is, we should stay away from any control aspects of any ideology. If you choose for yourself the path of piety, GREAT!!! As long as it is YOUR choice and you don't force it on others, we can be friends. In return, I will do my best to respect your position. That's all there really is to it...