However, it appears he may have done a "borrowed ladder" and taken on a new persona in November 2009, when a drug-addict and "based-pillow merchant" Mike Lindell likely died of an overdose. Look at the ears. Deep State appears to know and this is why they relentlessly attack Lindell and his company, but they can't expose him without looking like retards, publicly. Plus, Lindell is lying when he tells his story of how he "first met" Trump and got involved. Listen closely. Skilled actor, but not THAT skilled. Key player, but not in the 3 civilians in Q team.
And how did he get election data that was declassified on January 9th by Ezra Cohen-Watnik (JFK grandson?)? Because Ezra C-W gave it to his father? And E-C-W likely is part of Q team (military).
According to Q, JFK Jr. (persona) is DEAD.
However, it appears he may have done a "borrowed ladder" and taken on a new persona in November 2009, when a drug-addict and "based-pillow merchant" Mike Lindell likely died of an overdose. Look at the ears. Deep State appears to know and this is why they relentlessly attack Lindell and his company, but they can't expose him without looking like retards, publicly. Plus, Lindell is lying when he tells his story of how he "first met" Trump and got involved. Listen closely. Skilled actor, but not THAT skilled. Key player, but not in the 3 civilians in Q team.
And how did he get election data that was declassified on January 9th by Ezra Cohen-Watnik (JFK grandson?)? Because Ezra C-W gave it to his father? And E-C-W likely is part of Q team (military).
fyi...McEneny also appears to be a Kennedy.