Had, being key word here. A friend who was not circumcised, nor was his infant son. The son at 6 mnths old had a seizure due to fever, caused by urinary tract infection, who fell off the the changing table and hit his head. Fever ended up being 104. Daycare was not properly taking care of his, uncicirmercised penis nor was the mom, she was to busy. He is autistic now. Was he born autistic? Idk, didn't look like it. Is he now, yup! Plus, it's stinks never can get it clean.
you have to pull it back all the way to clean it, and it stretches it out so it's not tight around it. pretty simple to do during diaper changes, baths, etc. Source, me.
NOOOOO you never retract a baby’s foreskin! That’s why there’s a misconception about it being hard to clean and being prone to infection, it is fused at birth and can’t retract until the boy is older. So many people retract anyways and this causes the problems. Also, my nephew who is circumcised wound up with a UTI at 9 months old. It can happen to any baby boy!
Had, being key word here. A friend who was not circumcised, nor was his infant son. The son at 6 mnths old had a seizure due to fever, caused by urinary tract infection, who fell off the the changing table and hit his head. Fever ended up being 104. Daycare was not properly taking care of his, uncicirmercised penis nor was the mom, she was to busy. He is autistic now. Was he born autistic? Idk, didn't look like it. Is he now, yup! Plus, it's stinks never can get it clean.
You certainly can get it clean. Have you heard of a product known as 'soap?'
Lol I have, yes! It's not my child.
you have to pull it back all the way to clean it, and it stretches it out so it's not tight around it. pretty simple to do during diaper changes, baths, etc. Source, me.
Thanks, good to know if I ever need to know or pass this knowledge on. I appreciate it. Again, it wasn't my child!
NOOOOO you never retract a baby’s foreskin! That’s why there’s a misconception about it being hard to clean and being prone to infection, it is fused at birth and can’t retract until the boy is older. So many people retract anyways and this causes the problems. Also, my nephew who is circumcised wound up with a UTI at 9 months old. It can happen to any baby boy!