I strongly suspect you are correct. CDC has political incentive to do this.
However, it is not uncommon at all to update data sets. This is due to reporting systems from which CDC draws the initial data, especially with death data. Deaths are recorded with a delay and often adjusted if there is debate or uncertainty as to the cause. We do autopsies routinely, which may have a significant backlog with the pathologist who does them, and then those findings are (non-urgently) added to the chart. If there's an automated reporting system, CDC can be fairly responsive. Many of these systems are not automated, and it's not uncommon to see numbers even months old being adjusted simply as a result of data working its way through the data collections systems.
There's been considerable debate about "cause of death" reporting when things get complicated. Sure, a pneumonia might have been the direct cause of death, but if the patient was a 50 pack-yr smoker who'd been battling lung cancer, had had one lung out prior to the pneumonia, we could safely say it was the lung cancer that probably should be thought of as the cause of death, though technically, it will read "pneumonia." This muddies the waters when trying to interpret all of this, and when trying to interpret CDC's rationale for the updates/"book cooking".
Agree with what you have said. BUT the June 3 update isn’t complete YET. And the shifted numbers are pretty huge (can’t remember exactly). So this is not your standard adjustment.
Quite right. Another huge factor is Remdesivir related deaths in conjunction to intubation with ventillators. To be intubated, the victim must be sedated. In animal studies using Remdesivir, the deaths exceeded 50% and forced a halt to any further testing. Consider the vax☠xed that catch 'COVID' at much higher rates and are hospitalized and then forced on this protocol of Remdesivir and ventillator. These people don't have a fighting chance.
On cooking the books:
Agree with what you have said. BUT the June 3 update isn’t complete YET. And the shifted numbers are pretty huge (can’t remember exactly). So this is not your standard adjustment.
I noticed that influenza and pneumonia get added together in mortality statistics because one leads to the other, and where do you draw the line?
Quite right. Another huge factor is Remdesivir related deaths in conjunction to intubation with ventillators. To be intubated, the victim must be sedated. In animal studies using Remdesivir, the deaths exceeded 50% and forced a halt to any further testing. Consider the vax☠xed that catch 'COVID' at much higher rates and are hospitalized and then forced on this protocol of Remdesivir and ventillator. These people don't have a fighting chance.