Thank you @bubble_bursts, I misread your response, but will leave this for anyone that has questions.
"Should be solidly easy for Anons to disprove these claims once and for all, or accept that there is truth to this."
Germ Theory and Terrain Theory are theories and this is precisely what academics know them as. So proving or disproving is problematic. Terrain Theory has the lion's share of medical history. Germ Theory only found traction when in the last 100 years as a result of Rockefeller and Rothschild funding. Terrain Theory is promoted honestly as a theory. However, Germ Theory is promoted dishonestly as absolute fact. And in doing so, any other view is assailed and even prosecuted. When this happens, it is not science. We can however, show with convincing evidence of the widespread fraud found in Germ theory. If it wasn't for the invention of the 'virus', that 'isn't either really alive or dead' and acts as a zombie Bogeyman to scare everyone. we wouldn't be facing the medical tyranny we are facing today.
Even Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former V.P. at Pfizer, now concludes-- “There are no respiratory viruses!”. This was after Yeadon examined the original studies of the 1050s-60s and found the fraud that the foundation of virology was built on. It has been one fraud built on top of another fraud ever since. No virus has ever been isolated and purified. The scientific method has been completely thrown out the door. Fear of the unknown is the biggest vulnerability of the public at large. The Cabal knows this and the reason why they are exploiting 'viruses' to herd us all into a dystopian oppressive world order.
So, why is this stickied? In my opinion it's far over due and should have been stickied a long time ago.
Thank you @bubble_bursts, I misread your response, but will leave this for anyone that has questions.
Germ Theory and Terrain Theory are theories and this is precisely what academics know them as. So proving or disproving is problematic. Terrain Theory has the lion's share of medical history. Germ Theory only found traction when in the last 100 years as a result of Rockefeller and Rothschild funding. Terrain Theory is promoted honestly as a theory. However, Germ Theory is promoted dishonestly as absolute fact. And in doing so, any other view is assailed and even prosecuted. When this happens, it is not science. We can however, show with convincing evidence of the widespread fraud found in Germ theory. If it wasn't for the invention of the 'virus', that 'isn't either really alive or dead' and acts as a zombie Bogeyman to scare everyone. we wouldn't be facing the medical tyranny we are facing today.
Even Dr. Mike Yeadon, the former V.P. at Pfizer, now concludes-- “There are no respiratory viruses!”. This was after Yeadon examined the original studies of the 1050s-60s and found the fraud that the foundation of virology was built on. It has been one fraud built on top of another fraud ever since. No virus has ever been isolated and purified. The scientific method has been completely thrown out the door. Fear of the unknown is the biggest vulnerability of the public at large. The Cabal knows this and the reason why they are exploiting 'viruses' to herd us all into a dystopian oppressive world order. So, why is this stickied? In my opinion it's far over due and should have been stickied a long time ago.