Honestly, no. It feels like nothing is happening but talking. August has been a little chilly, frankly.
I know the pit was supposed to be some kind of big revelation but it just wasn’t to me. Nothing I didn’t already know but you had so many truthers acting like they just saw their mom get slapped only to find out it’s all the CCP. Well, duh.
This. Nothing "hot" happened at all, including the raid. Just seems like more LARPing, but the lid is still on and the dam most certainly hasn't even begun to crack.
Sure, more people are waking up every day, even JTube comments are starting to turn based. But so far, no tangible action against the corrupt shitstains that have already murdered tens of millions in the past two years alone has been taken.
Until Trump's EO regarding execution methods kicks in for all those that have been part of these crimes against humanity we're still shivering cold.
Honestly, no. It feels like nothing is happening but talking. August has been a little chilly, frankly.
I know the pit was supposed to be some kind of big revelation but it just wasn’t to me. Nothing I didn’t already know but you had so many truthers acting like they just saw their mom get slapped only to find out it’s all the CCP. Well, duh.
This. Nothing "hot" happened at all, including the raid. Just seems like more LARPing, but the lid is still on and the dam most certainly hasn't even begun to crack.
Sure, more people are waking up every day, even JTube comments are starting to turn based. But so far, no tangible action against the corrupt shitstains that have already murdered tens of millions in the past two years alone has been taken.
Until Trump's EO regarding execution methods kicks in for all those that have been part of these crimes against humanity we're still shivering cold.