This has to be the most infuriating thing that the Covidians have done so far. You spend to years mandating a bunk drug and now it’s time to say it’s Trumps fault.
🤡 Clown World 🌎

Well, there is some truth to it, albeit it has some clear anti-Trump spin. Isn't accelerating the timelines what Trump said Operation Warp Speed was all about?
How you interpret the word "pressure" is subjective, though. There's pressure like "we have to do this, don't rest until we find a vaccine" or there's pressure like "get that vaccine out by Christmas or you're fired and you'll never get a government job or grant as long as you live." And then there's pressure like the mafia exerts.
What isn't in the headline is the billions and billions in funding that was given to make the accelerated timeline possible.
Of course, the trap that Trump has main will be that it will come out that the virus was man-made and the vaccine existed before Warp Speed or even the initial Wuhan outbreak.
Also means Trump knows this is how they're planning to pivot their narrative to shift all blame and responsibility on him.
Normies and leftists are too brain dead to remember - they're still parroting the, "the vaccines were never supposed to stop you from getting covid" talking points. I hate how blindly stupid they are.
What I'm curious about, though, is what Trump's game plan is to counter it. Eventually the game has to be over and we need to be done with all this bullshit.
Trump's out is he was lied to, Dr Brix has already admitted it. Pfizer has admitted to cooking the books on the clinical trials and their defense is "we are not guilty because the FDA was in on it. Those of us in the know, are aware that POTUS's other option was a decade of lock downs.
Agree re those of us in the know.
But as long as the media industrial complex have NPCs as their captive audience, we’ll be stuck in this corrupt narrative swirl.