606k people died in the UK between Jan and May. This blog is assuming that literally every single one of them died because of the shot, which is just not realistic or true. There were stabbings and car crashes and suicides, etc.
They're also assuming that not a single unvax person died, which is also very likely to be false. I'm sure some unvax person got into a car crash at some point or was stabbed by a BLM goon.
Assuming at least 50,000,000 people took at least 1 jab, are we talking about 680K of those people dead?
606k people died in the UK between Jan and May. This blog is assuming that literally every single one of them died because of the shot, which is just not realistic or true. There were stabbings and car crashes and suicides, etc.
They're also assuming that not a single unvax person died, which is also very likely to be false. I'm sure some unvax person got into a car crash at some point or was stabbed by a BLM goon.