posted ago by hundro ago by hundro +22 / -0

It's hard to find a subject that hasn't been intentionally polarized to create a glaring divide. Race, masks, vaccines, Jan. 6, election fraud, Ukraine, etc. I get that it keeps us all fighting amongst ourselves and not looking at the real antagonists, but maybe there's more to it.

If you take a quick look at Operation Crimson Mist,



you'll see that, for it to be weaponized, there needs to be an underlying mood of "us vs them" that can be amplified and turned into a cause for violence. If the deep state has this tool in their toolbox, why wouldn't they keep it handy? If they can maintain a constant state of preparedness for this weapon, they have the upper hand. If Trump wants to play the Trump Card, the DS just reminds him that Rwanda 2.0 is just a button push away.

Maybe our only way out is to stop letting them play us off against each other.