Maybe a lawyer can answer these questions. If Moderna, Pfizer, & J&J applied for EUA based on the composition of the shot at that time and were granted the EUA; but as time progressed, all Big Pharmas tweaked/changed the composition to incur more damage, destruction and death upon the recipients and it varied per Lot, does that not nullify the original EUA approval? Also was their informed consent or general information sheet included with the vial changed per lot? If not, doesn’t that negate their immunity to liability? Also with the information reported to VAERS regarding deaths and adverse reactions, as well as to the military equivalent, the observation of doctors and hospitals reporting the same, doesn’t that hold each pharmaceutical company criminally liable for not halting and investigating and the CDC, NIH, FDA in turn liable for not taking action and still pushing the shots via businesses, commercials, etc. via media. Is media responsible also for pushing the shots when they are not in the medical field and do not know if the shots are safe, but are telling the populous that they are? They do not have a medical license, so therefore shouldn’t they be held liable for any comments supporting the public to take the shot?
Saw a video from Jimmy Dore where the Moderna CEO said he had to dispose 30 million doses of vaccines because no one wanted them -
Comment section also has quite a few jab regret stories.
Maybe a lawyer can answer these questions. If Moderna, Pfizer, & J&J applied for EUA based on the composition of the shot at that time and were granted the EUA; but as time progressed, all Big Pharmas tweaked/changed the composition to incur more damage, destruction and death upon the recipients and it varied per Lot, does that not nullify the original EUA approval? Also was their informed consent or general information sheet included with the vial changed per lot? If not, doesn’t that negate their immunity to liability? Also with the information reported to VAERS regarding deaths and adverse reactions, as well as to the military equivalent, the observation of doctors and hospitals reporting the same, doesn’t that hold each pharmaceutical company criminally liable for not halting and investigating and the CDC, NIH, FDA in turn liable for not taking action and still pushing the shots via businesses, commercials, etc. via media. Is media responsible also for pushing the shots when they are not in the medical field and do not know if the shots are safe, but are telling the populous that they are? They do not have a medical license, so therefore shouldn’t they be held liable for any comments supporting the public to take the shot?
Well yeah I wouldn’t be shocked Billy wants to monopolize the shots. He wants every human running on his latest windows update.
What if Pfizer knew Moderna was creating a pandemic and a "cure," and blackmailed Moderna to let them in on the money?
Remember Moderna also co-owns the patent with US's NIH...
Saw a video from Jimmy Dore where the Moderna CEO said he had to dispose 30 million doses of vaccines because no one wanted them -
Comment section also has quite a few jab regret stories.