The scary thing is that some of this held even until recently, no screens, playing outside, at least a majority of the families with both parents, or at least while the kids were little. Now never without screens, no playing outside, highly supervised, and the majority of children are now born to single mothers, what they used to call bastards. The reason it's scary that it held until relatively recently is that for as bad as things are now, we still have a lot of people who grew up with some of this, but in say 10 years we're going to have many more people who had radically deranged childhoods entering young adulthood, and that time will be very bleak indeed. Think things are bad with the young adults now? At least they grew up in 90s and early 00s when things were kind of normal sill, once this crop is in their 20s, god help us.
The scary thing is that some of this held even until recently, no screens, playing outside, at least a majority of the families with both parents, or at least while the kids were little. Now never without screens, no playing outside, highly supervised, and the majority of children are now born to single mothers, what they used to call bastards. The reason it's scary that it held until relatively recently is that for as bad as things are now, we still have a lot of people who grew up with some of this, but in say 10 years we're going to have many more people who had radically deranged childhoods entering young adulthood, and that time will be very bleak indeed. Think things are bad with the young adults now? At least they grew up in 90s and early 00s when things were kind of normal sill, once this crop is in their 20s, god help us.