Drudge Headlines On Trump Raid
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The shills are the Pharisees. That's awesome.
on the topic of shilling, have you seen this stuff going around about how the unvaxed are the heroes,? I've seen several different things. That seems contrived to me too.
It was originally called ARPANET
Between 10/28/2017 (first Q post) and 10/29/1969 are 17,531 days.
Just wanted note that.
Do you know where AOL came from?
The point is the entire internet was built and developed by the US MIL.
So was encryption. Then one day the US MIL decided to share this and let the public use this technology. They also shared the GPS systems (tracking).
The whole world now depends on what the US MIL created.
Decode Blog's latest posts goes into Frozen (2013) and Snowden. Q talked about how Snowden was used to target and try to blind the NSA (DOD) so that the criminals could have blue skies for the Iran Deal. They were tired of being watched all the time. They thought it was the NSA and they wanted it hobbled. Obama and his thieves wanted it hobbled.
An anon asked Q:
Q replied:
Q post #932 says:
Which backs up my theory. I think the US MIL created the internet and released it for the purpose of pulling the criminals out of their previous and very secretive methods of communication. They all use a system that the US MIL made, even China. China tried to invent it's own internet and only ended up making a poor clone. They don't know how to make the same.
Q wrote:
Q also implies that the acts the CULT does are so sick and depraved that it's too much for most to handle. People would rather believe it a conspiracy theory than that anyone could do these things to another person.
And Q wrote:
And this post:
My theory is that the DS and the criminals screwed themselves by embracing the internet. They used it to spy on the sheep, but the US MIL used it to spy on them and learn their cells. They were very hidden and hard to detect. They created sleeper cells and secrets everywhere. Very hard to fight. The internet gave the tools to fight and defeat this evil that has been misleading and manipulating humans for a long, long time.
Shills push hard the shill line that "Q is Operation Trust" and "Trump is a black hat meant to keep us from resisting the New World Order" and that the only way is "violent overthrow of the government.".
I wanted to have a private discussion on this topic without shills popping in to derail.
I have many reasons I think this is bunk, but I'd also like to hear your reasons.
First, as I've stated, the sheep are the brainwashed apaths who pretend not to see the evil, the low-level narcissists and sociopaths who don't even know what they are a part of but love the benefits, the middle people who blackmailed or participate willingly in the crimes, and the sociopaths and psychopaths at the top. Regardless of who you think is a black hat and who you think is a white, sociopaths are NEVER going to be a force for good. They may just be bent over a barrel and forced to help because they are terrified of exposure.
The real question is "Do you think Q and the Trump movement are plans that sociopaths would come up to prevent conservatives from resisting?" I'd say NO.
The DS top plotters are all people devoid of empathy who live to dominate and control others. If you believe in Pizzagate (which is real), do you think any person with a conscience could harm kids that way? If no, then we can rule out that they are normal-thinking people. They have no conscience which means they are sociopaths and psychopaths.
This is important for understand who is in charge and who is winning.
Sociopaths are good at long-term scheming, but not long-term planning. They can't unify, build a society or bring out the best in others. What they do is create a "boogeyman" to frighten you into their "cult" and tell you how you are great compared to that terrible, racist "other". This is division, but it can look like unity.
They are parasitic by nature and need a "host" (the producers of society) to supply them. At the same time they fear their host will unite together and remove the parasites (them) so they have to keep the host in a state of anxiety and fear and confusion to prevent this. Psychopaths and sociopaths don't trust. They actually don't even make the oxycontin in the brain that allows for trust like normal people.
They don't EVEN trust each other which is why they have to have "insurance" to prevent the others from double crossing them.
So let's look at exhibit A:
The reaction of the sociopaths to Trump's victory in 2016:
Look at the devastated leftists. Obama spent 8 years beating down conservatives. Do you think Obama and his goons wanted conservatives to feel this happy just to "keep them from resisting"?
I don't buy that. You could see their misery. It was all around you the crying, the rage, and the shock. They could NOT accept Trump had won. There is no way Trump was a black hat.
Also the other argument assumes that the sociopaths were just so scared of conservative rebellion. Were they? Obama and the Clintons spent years pissing off and pissing on conservatives with glee. They seemed to want a rebellion so they could mass arrest. They worked to take away the guns, but they seemed more afraid of the military (not fully under their control) than they were of the citizens.
It was their minions that went stark raving mad when Trump won. They had trouble controlling their own. They do not let the hated "other" feel like they've won for even a second. Sociopaths can't stand you feeling you've "won" for even a second. Not even when it would benefit them to do so. It's just not in their nature. They fall to pieces if they feel their control slipping. Despair and fear is their control.
Trump's constant mocking of them drives their base into insanity and keeps conservatives together and unified. That in no way benefits them.
They do not let anyone tell the truth without making it sound crazy. Not even their own plants. If Trump were a black hat, he'd do like Alex Jones and make the truth sound crazy and the lies sound legit. He would set up his base and then crush them with disappointment.
When they have a "plant", the plant stumbles and faceplants to embarrass us so that the Left can mock how he follow "morons". Their tactics to make us like the plant is to start mass-banning them and then push on LEFTISTS sites how "hehehe conservatives losing their mind because their hero Alex Jones got deplatformed". This tactic is meant to drive us to rush to defend the plant.
As for Q to be Operation Trust they'd be spending a lot of effort trying to coordinate with Trump to make Q believable. If Trump is NOT a black hat, then Q therefore can't be Operation Trust.
The two are interlinked. Q proofs were highly linked to Trump and those around him. Many proofs would require the cooperation of him and his associates. If the clowns were just tryin to "predict" Trump's tweets then there would have been errors. They wouldn't have gotten it right or been so precise.
Trump would have to be a black hat for Q to be Operation Trust.
Both must be true or neither is trust. It can't be one is true and one is not.
Furthermore, for the DS to go to this must trouble to create Q and put Trump into power all to make conservatives "not resist them" would suggest they were terrified of conservatives. If they were that scared, they would have taken more drastic actions. (Think a cornered animal). Obama would not have gone out of his way to piss off conservatives if they were that scared of us.
Truthfully, they were shared the fear of exposure, but they weren't afraid of conservatives themselves. They had us divided and were pushing the country to civil war.
If the whole goal of the DS was to make conservatives not resist them, then why are their shills now pushing so, so hard for armed revolution? We see false flags trying to paint us as violence. They are trying to push us to violence. It seems like Q gets in the way of that.
No, I just don't buy it. What are your opinions on it?
There is a Biblical analogy that addresses this very issue:
Matthew 12:22-28 (NIV)
Jesus and Beelzebul
22 Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. 23 All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”
24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? 27 And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 28 But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
So, if Trump is doing good, then he can't be a black hat, otherwise the DS kingdom would be divided against itself and would be unable to remain standing.
Godly people perform good deeds. Evil people perform vile deeds. You will never see evil people doing the work of God, as it makes no sense at all. They worship Baal, the father of death and lies.
The Pharisees are the shills.
Excellent quote. I love it.
This brings up another shill line as well. When Republicans dominated in Virginia, shills pushed for weeks leading up to that "they're only steal it". They pushed doom and despair. There was no red wave and even if there was then Virginia would just be stolen. When it was a red romp and the Republicans took every but the house (they tied that), then shills changed to "They let us win just to throw us off guard."
Let me get this straight. They GAVE US Virginia just so we'd think they're not in total control. The same people who have an obsession with power and want us to believe they are all-powerful LET US win.
What gain was there to giving us near total control of Virginia from school boards to the local? Virginia never turned blue. They've been rigging it for years. Every election it would be a red romp, but suddenly they'd "find" votes in the northern Virginia counties. But suddenly they're like "nah, you take the DC suburbs". Many high ranking officials live in the suburbs of Virginia. It is a vital state for them.
They are morons if they "gave" it to us.
Shills tried to push "Youngking is a rino". They tried to push he was a plant. They are still in charge because he's a disappointment, but he didn't disappoint. From the first day he got busy. They let a black female gun-toting conservative became Lt. Guv just so "we could make you less resistant".
Either the DS is full of idiots or they are lying. It doesn't make sense.
Besides how does giving your enemy that much hopium make them "less resistant". If anything conservatives become more fired up and more motivated to get out and volunteer at polling places because they know they can beat the cheat.
Their argument makes ZERO sense.
There is no tactical gain in letting us have a big prize like Virginia.
It's like they don't know what else to do besides lie. Now they are lying as hard as they can and pretending there is no red wave. That there is no momentum for conservatives. That Trump's supporters are abandoning them (even though pictures of his rally show that is total BS).
Now they laughing how "Biden is suddenly popular and polling proves it" and "Democrats will keep the senate" and "the red wave disappeared". All they have is doom.
I remember the Obama years when they were at the height of their power. They smug assholes about Romney. They knew they'd rig it so it'd be just close enough to create maximum despair in conservatives. They smirked and giggled the whole time because they KNEW we couldn't win.
They don't smirk and giggle anymore. They look sick and worried even when Biden is supposed to be in charge and the walls are supposed to be closing in. They can't blast narratives like they did before. When big events happened, they're all mixed up in the message which means the narrative never takes.