Recently I saw someone post a video of a girl, an avowed astrologist, making an incredible point about waking people up to the truth. A certain poster replied smugly "I stopped watching at 'evolutionary astrology.'"
My. God.
Friends, be better than this. Some of you get so hung up on not listening to any source you don't trust that you miss SO much.
"Alex Jones is a Mossad agent, I don't trust anything he says."
Alex Jones may work for the enemy. He may be a Mossad agent trying to discredit real shit by screaming and yelling with a fat cherry red face and looking like a nutcase but how many of us first heard many of the things we now know are true from Alex Jones?
He may not be the ideal spokesman for our movement but talk about a boomerang effect if in fact that was the cabal's goal in placing him out there?
As an example, I just saw "Vengeance" by BJ Novak.
I don't know Novak's intentions. I don't know his allegiances. But as a Q researcher (and make no mistake, we are not "Q followers" or even "Q supporters" we are "Q researchers." Whether Q is a person, a group of people, a Quantum AI, God, some combination, or something else entirely, the FUNCTION of the Q posts is to act as A RESEARCH PROMPT to encourage CRITICAL THOUGHT to inspire THE GREAT AWAKENING. Only by the masses embracing critical thinking will the Great Awakening occur, if you ask me)...anyway, as a Q researcher, "Vengeance" really stood out to me for a number of reasons. I don't want to get sidetracked into what all of those reasons are but just know that I encourage you to watch it and put your Q goggles on when you do. I think you'll be blown away.
Anyway, slight spoiler for that movie here. One thing that becomes clear in the film is that Ashton Kutcher's character represents the Devil. But when we first meet him, he gives this incredibly beautiful speech that literally any Christian would appreciate about how the universe began with a sound (he says "Whether it was God saying 'Let there be light' or an infinite particle exploding in the 'Big Bang', everyone agrees the universe began with a sound.").
They give you every reason to like this guy (aside from his black cowboy hat--hint, hint), and the way he speaks about good Christian folk in the heartland makes you want to trust him. But ultimately his goal is to bewitch. Ultimately his doctrine is Nihilism. But before he gets there he says a lot of really beautiful, helpful, and true things.
I was watching this movie when this idea dawned on me. So often on this board people are yapping about whether we can trust Alex Jones, or Jack Posobiec, or Joe Rogan, or Ron DeSantis....holy shit it's exhausting.
Guys, we can't trust any of them to always tell the truth. And we won't know which side everyone is really on until this is over, if ever.
But we also shouldn't immediately stop listening to them when they're wrong assuming they're part of the cabal and just shut off our ears and brains.
Like the Alex Jones example, even if they are part of the cabal, it doesn't mean they can't be useful to us.
"They dug a pit in my path— but they have fallen into it themselves." -Psalms 57:6
We can't even trust Q to always tell the truth. Not after that "disinformation is necessary" comment. Apparently, Q lies too. And that's a good thing. Because if Q never told anything but the truth, we wouldn't have to learn to think critically. And that's what Q is trying to get us to do.
Stop looking for a prophet to make things easy for you. Q is not our prophet. He's helping you discover the Prophet within you though. Our prophet should be the Holy Spirit of Discernment. We should question everything we hear from everyone all the time. We should always be open to the possibility that our initial assumptions are wrong, about everyone and everything.
That's critical thinking. Q always says "Expand your thinking" I believe this is what that means.
If you're getting truth from the Devil himself it's still the truth. His intentions might be bad and you need to discern his intentions and separate the truth from the error but yes, even the Devil can teach you truth, if you're not too scared to listen, and you run everything he says through your inner Prophet, the Holy Spirit of Discernment.
When Christ left his Apostles, this was what he said they would need to learn to rely on. We should learn to do the same.
So again, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Shoot the messenger if you must, but don't discount the message because of him.
Oh boy. If you can't discern truth from error then yeah, maybe you'd be better off ignoring everyone who isn't in your exact congregation saying exactly what your interpretation of the Bible says.
For those who trust in Christ though, they can speak to the unbelievers in their own language and guide them to the light. If you think you have nothing to learn from anyone who doesn't talk like you, so be it. You do you.
If the Devil never told the truth then nobody would believe his lies. It's the hallmark of every effective liar.
Satan NEVER tells the Truth about anything. EVER. Sadness and destruction is the reward of the "new age" (witchcraft) practitioners and those who follow them. ALL TRUTH LEADS TO JESUS . IF a man rejects JESUS' truth he will have a life filled with disappointment and deception. And that's a terrible ending for one created in the image and likeness of GOD.
Then he's a pretty shitty liar. No lie well told is told without truth. It's why so many are fooled. Satan literally quotes scripture to Christ in the New Testament. It was his intention that made the quoting of it a lie, and what required discernment on the part of Christ to see through it.
Get off your soapbox. You're not making any sense.
Actually satan is the father of lies. You are one of his victims and yet you defend the adversary. Textbook Stockholm Syndrome . Jesus is THE TRUTH. Going to satanic folk for truth is senseless.
Oh my God. I'm sure you're a hoot in Sunday school. Have a nice day.
Once Truth is mixed with error it is no longer truth. Satan quoted scripture to Jesus. Jesus told satan to get to stepping. No need to obtain info from cursed sources. No one will bypass Jesus. If satan tells anyone anything it is to destroy them.
You're mincing words. The devil does that too. Go get a beer or something.
Telling truth is not mincing words GOD doesn't do propaganda or spin. You do you tho.. Maybe our paths cross one day And we can have a beer or two in victory.