Around 2009 i went to a "Tea Party" rally. From what i heard about the tea party it was started by Ron Paul types. I figured i would be among friends. So i went all out on my picket sign. it read simply "Google: WTC7". Turns out it was a Fox news co-opted event! About 1 hour in i started getting dirty looks. Then people started yelling profanities at me as they walked by. I was then assaulted and my sign almost taken from me (i was too tall for the little guy to get it) All of a sudden about 6 people surrounded me in a circle blocking the neocon brainwashed attackers. Never got their names, they never really even said anything. they just posted around me until the event was over. Nearly the entire crowd thought i was an Obama supporter. They were pointing their cameras at me telling me i was on video. (i responded with "do you want my name and address?") Undercover police pointed out their sniper post on the roof on a nearby building. It was extremely threatening.
Fast forward to today, The topic of 9/11 being a false flag is an easy conversation to have with most conservatives i know, exactly opposite of what i experienced in 2009. The same people who used to tell me i was crazy back then are now always asking my opinion about current events. The Great Awakening is real. I could have never imagined it happening in 2009. WE ARE WINNING!
I was a tea party organizer in my area in 2010. By the time we had our second rally (someone else had run the first in 2009( it was already taken over by the RINOs. But I can tell you at the time (2009 and 2010) there were many Pattriots who did NOT believe the WTC was an inside job. Myself included. Initially I blew off Ron Paul. Some of his followers seemed rather young and crude. (I was elderly) I came around later on when Ron Paul ran the second time and I supported him. I even did some Ron Paul rallies as the old lady with the younger crowd I met a VERY diverse group I will say during that time..
Just remember that many people were not fully awake at all then. I jhad ust woken up myself from Obama getting elected. (I was a birther). I joined an online group back in those days and it was the first time I had ever heard of the NWO. It took me awhile to believe any of this.
Many people were NOT in the place you were in during that time, myself included. I have since gone down many many rabbit holes. I am completely and utterly awake now. And I bet that is exactly what you are seeing in your area.