Good share ADog. An easy way to sum this article up is being present without thought/description, versus being lost in the past or future (mind/thoughts).
You've heard athletes call this being "in the zone" or "Zen with the ball/club/racquet/etc.".
I went to the website. Be careful of the liberal junk that makes up a lot of the content. They are woke. Good material is there, choose wisely.
Gurdjieff was an alcoholic, so he had that going for him.
...aren't we all???
Good share ADog. An easy way to sum this article up is being present without thought/description, versus being lost in the past or future (mind/thoughts).
You've heard athletes call this being "in the zone" or "Zen with the ball/club/racquet/etc.".
Food for thought...
...I am mopping up what you are spilling...
...wags tail knowingly,,,,,
Gurdjieff was a charlatan who milked gullible fools of their wits and wallets, be careful who you follow.
I went to the website. Be careful of the liberal junk that makes up a lot of the content. They are woke. Good material is there, choose wisely.
...that is good advice for most of the content on the interweb....