So the court systems and the process have thrown wrenches into the progress in AZ and MI, at least. But, the bottom line is that even as we approach the 9/3 deadline for deleting 2020 election data, we have it all.
It doesn't matter if they delete it--in fact, if they do it's further evidence of their attempt to cover up their crimes.
My theory has always been this: the Military is the only way, which means that the judicial system did not move fast enough or in the correct direction so as to right the 2020 election, or secure the mid-terms... and therefore very soon we will see Marshall Law to secure the mid-terms via paper ballot count, with soldiers overseeing every ballot deposited, and the secure transport of ballots, and the secure counting of ballots. It is under this structure that the truth of 2020 will flood out into the open (i.e., via the MSM, because now they will be controlled by White Hats/military, and the justification for the Marshall Law will need to be shared)--and, after the mid-terms, under Marshall Law, is when it will be announced that after further review, Trump will be reinstated.
Any takers? To bad my points on this Board can't be used as chips... I would give 4:1 odds.
Ain't that the truth...the key is being able to recognize and acknowledge them