Exporting your liabilities is the name of the game.
The next question that is begging to be answered, who is organizing the gangs in the prisons.
I think with the involvement of the criminal convict culture intertwined with the riots / protests of 2019-20, one would suspect antifa and blm using democrat money working with correction officials and jailhouse gangs, cultivated the "right" kind of people for their little sortie, stateside.
Exporting your liabilities is the name of the game.
The next question that is begging to be answered, who is organizing the gangs in the prisons.
I think with the involvement of the criminal convict culture intertwined with the riots / protests of 2019-20, one would suspect antifa and blm using democrat money working with correction officials and jailhouse gangs, cultivated the "right" kind of people for their little sortie, stateside.
Who are the players there ?