This past week GAW has been under heavy shill attack, pushing division on anything having to do with the pedo groomer issue. Too many pedes took their bait! Would you love to see fewer crazy/gay/whatever stickies on GAW? DEPORT! And leave the shills and other assorted losers to your mod team! THX!
💊 Toruble Maker 💊
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Heh. I'll always fall into that "high comment count by low to nonexistent post count" for 2 reasons.
I'm still too stupid to figure out how to start a thread. and frens have already tried to school me up. Didn't work. Brain is too dense.
Y'all beat me to the good stuff all the time anyway.
We don't mind frogs like you. Everyone lifts in their own way. The problem is when tards get crucial and hyper-critical without lifting. Anaemic post histories don't get to boss our researchers around! Us mods feel very protective of our researcher frogs, and we get touchy when their hard work gets shouted down.
That's a solid statement of commanders' intent for this place.
Glad to hear it.
I will add: I try to do my part, as assigned by Q, by taking what's researched up here and then spreading it around.
I only post when I have something really good, or just something funny. If it's not good, I just shut up with posts but put snarky comments around for fun. Purkiss and Ashland Dog and the crowd have better material than I do.
Snarky is fun, yes.. But we are the public face of the Q movement. That means let's make it friendly around here.
Good point. My snarkism (Is that a word? It is now.) is always aimed at the politicians, not the GAW crowd.