This past week GAW has been under heavy shill attack, pushing division on anything having to do with the pedo groomer issue. Too many pedes took their bait! Would you love to see fewer crazy/gay/whatever stickies on GAW? DEPORT! And leave the shills and other assorted losers to your mod team! THX!
💊 Toruble Maker 💊
Okay I actually want to clarify these two points and offer some perspective: I say "half truth" to the first one because while on the surface level that may seem true, the reality is much MUCH more complicated. I have not met a single gay person who endorses pedophilia as a sexual attraction. All the ones I have met and talked to so far immediately agree that it's disgusting and should not be allowed. Maybe you have met other people, and feel free to share your experience, however a majority of LGBTQ really are a lot like us in that they want to live free and be left alone. The "gay agenda" is artificial. It's a product of the elitist pedophiles to try and normalize pedophilia, but it is NOT representative of a majority of Gays and trans and such. You lumping them all in and buying into the slippery slope is also part of their normalization agenda. It's how they get sympathy for their cause and push it into reality. Ergo, your point wasn't entirely wrong, but not entirely right either.
I personally am for adopting the term MAP for pedophiles who have committed no crimes. Pedophilia carries a heavy stigma and I agree with it regarding people who have participated in the exploitation of children. I think we can actually get ahead of this by recognizing that those who have the affliction need love and counseling, not scorn and hate. The only thing I care to "normalize" here is getting the people the help and treatment they need. That's. It. When it comes to unrepentant fuckasses, absolutely give them the chair, stones, I don't care, I am a proud anti-pedo bigot. Again, I am patient with those who have committed no crime, as I am any other innocent person. But there is ZERO justification for pedophilia so on that we more or less agree, just consider my perspective. If we turn this into a pedophile witch hunt, then pedophilia WILL be normalized...