posted ago by Sadness ago by Sadness +21 / -0

Erwan Castel ——————– Google-translate from mod:

A good hearing hi!

The armed forces of the Russian Federation have just completed the latest shooting of the “Nudol” rocket nicknamed “the satellite killer”. And President Putin ordered the immediate deployment of his launchers.

Add to that:

1 / The previous speech of the Russian president in which he warned that any country providing offensive weapons to Ukraine would undergo an immediate and unstoppable strike,

2 / that several Western artillery systems use geolocation and the GPS network of American satellites to guide their ammunition to Russian targets,

3 / that the NATO military satellite network deployed above the region (Sentinel 1 and 2 for example) informs in real time the Ukrainian military actions and spies on their communications …

The space may be the first theater of the direct confrontation between Russia and NATO and that Westerners have already made factually engaged via their Ukrainian proxy on European theater …

Erwan Castel

So to recap: Putin has mobilised the satellite killer.

This is to take out the GPS on mostly USA misslles in Ukraine..

USA will yell like a stuck pig when that happens, and claim that Russia is at war with them.