The News From Ukraine/Russia Has Moved To A New Level. Updates are flooding into the Military channels. Now We Know Why Boris Johnson Was In Ukraine Last Week.
Duck & Cover

Probably auto translated/translated from Russian or written by non-native English speaker (Russian). It’s saying that Russia was aware of U.K. operation to cause false flag at plant, blaming it on Russia. Instead Russia wiped out 2/3 of the group (DRG fighters) that was going to instigate it. If the Ukrainian GUR was successful in this false flag Boris was going to use it to stay in power, as Boris had all the deets because they were trained in the UK/by the UK.
Of the 64 UK trained fighters (DRGs), 47 have been killed, 3 have been taken prisoner by Russia, 2 are dying, 12 are cut off and surrounded.
Overall mission (false flag) was MI6 coordinated.
Parse pedes, learn to parse.
excellent synopsis, ...who tipped off the Russians about the FF
From the moment these trained whatever, whose task was to capture the ZPP, entered Poland, the Russians were watching their every move. They were listening to their plan and this is why a battalion or more, were waiting, hidden on the banks near the ZPP. The moment the saboteurs entered the water, the Russian airforce were getting ready. It is believed the Russians allowed some to land. Some were captured and the rest killed. Those in the next wave of crossings were cut down. I’m not sure if these were the initial ones in high speed boats and I would imagine that they were, but following them huge barges (2) with many more men in its bowels, came under heavy attack and it is reported one was just a huge ball of fire as Russian jet fighters descended on them. The scenes of triage units confirms as many would were draped in those silver space blankets. It’s like that scene out of Gone With The Wind as the camera pans up to see a sea of screaming, wounded fighters. Except this scene was real and so were the screams.