Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people
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One vaxxed friend who's cancer came out of remission and killed him in a month. Another friend of wife - same thing. Someone very close to me was just diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic liver cancer - vaxxed not boosted. ANother friend basically died right in front of me, or came damn close, seconds from me starting CPR. Was a latent heart electrical condition that caused him to reboot. Was just vaxxed so they could go on vacation. A coworker whose wife, MIL, and SIL all had strokes after getting vaxxed. A neighbor vaxxed, just had a stroke. I dunno if 5 months is the magic target or if one would be out of the woods after? I suspect if you've been vaxxed, it will be a lifelong medical issue.
I'm sorry to hear you have had so much loss.