If you vote it forces them to cheat, if they cheat then there are opportunities to expose them to citizens and public pressure will right the wrong.
If you dont vote then they dont have to cheat, they will win through legitimate means. You now truly have zero recourse as they were lawfully elected.
Until our corrupt system is destroyed
Ok so what exactly are you suggesting we all do? Stop voting and storm the capitol to physically drag people out? Ok glowie, yeah lets all stop voting and just take them all out! Stupid moron.
Listen, I didn’t say not to vote, you’re being twat. What I said was there is no way for a re-election to happen. You go off about precedent- SCOTUS already crushed that with their “no standing” bullshit. It’s the SUPREME court. If they set the precedent of “no standing” there is no lower court that will overturn that. If the people who were running in the election have no standing then what? We get a class action suit going? Who will take it? It’s political suicide, no one is going to take it. By all means, go get involved in local elections but that isn’t where the cheating is generally happening. It will take 10-20 years to make change from the local level upward. We don’t have that kind of time.
You heavily implied it by saying theres no point to voting.
You go off about precedent- SCOTUS already crushed that with their “no standing”
That no standing ruling was centered on one specific lawsuit that was filed by the state of texas. Read up on it because youre treating that ruling like a blanket statement that "elections can never be decertified". This is not the case.
It will take 10-20 years to make change from the local level upward. We don’t have that kind of time.
Ok glowie, Ill repeat this question again and if you ignore it ill keep repeating it. What do you suggest we do since you clearly have given up and dont want to vote anymore?
Its very very simple.
If you vote it forces them to cheat, if they cheat then there are opportunities to expose them to citizens and public pressure will right the wrong.
If you dont vote then they dont have to cheat, they will win through legitimate means. You now truly have zero recourse as they were lawfully elected.
Ok so what exactly are you suggesting we all do? Stop voting and storm the capitol to physically drag people out? Ok glowie, yeah lets all stop voting and just take them all out! Stupid moron.
Listen, I didn’t say not to vote, you’re being twat. What I said was there is no way for a re-election to happen. You go off about precedent- SCOTUS already crushed that with their “no standing” bullshit. It’s the SUPREME court. If they set the precedent of “no standing” there is no lower court that will overturn that. If the people who were running in the election have no standing then what? We get a class action suit going? Who will take it? It’s political suicide, no one is going to take it. By all means, go get involved in local elections but that isn’t where the cheating is generally happening. It will take 10-20 years to make change from the local level upward. We don’t have that kind of time.
There. Is. No. Political. Solution.
You heavily implied it by saying theres no point to voting.
That no standing ruling was centered on one specific lawsuit that was filed by the state of texas. Read up on it because youre treating that ruling like a blanket statement that "elections can never be decertified". This is not the case.
Ok glowie, Ill repeat this question again and if you ignore it ill keep repeating it. What do you suggest we do since you clearly have given up and dont want to vote anymore?
This statement is your reply to me saying voting matters. That implies voting is not the solution.
Maybe its you who needs to learn how to read considering you ignored my question again. Ill keep repeating it while ignoring your dooming insults.
"What do you suggest we all do if there is no 'political solution'"?