I hope Joe Biden tries talking tough, or whispering.
He cracks me up when he puts on his tough-guy face.
I'm still waiting to hear where Joe Biden got the authority to leverage $1B in Ukrainian loan guarantees, to get the Burisma prosecutor fired, and replaced with someone "solid", who subsequently dropped the case against Burisma.
edit: to add:
u/VaccinesCauseSIDS you made it! You're famous!
It is interesting to see how mad this dude gets. It's almost as if he is inviting a massive coronary or a cerebral hemorrhage. That backdrop last night was freaky, and I felt bad for those Marines who had to stand there and hear that screaming old sick fuck pedophile ranting on.
Fucking robots. I was a Corpsman with Marines and my ass woulda walked right off that stage, court martial and all!
You corpsmen saved our asses on many occasions. Thanks Brother.
It was a honor to be attached to them! Iād go thru the gates of Hell with my guys, and we did.