I've commented a few times and a few people wanted me to let them know if my theory that there are comms on spaceweather.gov amongst the postings they have on there.
Let me explain how it works roughly - I'm not doing an overdetailed post because I simply don't have the time between work and my life.
Take the time of the posts and numbers within the posts that are on the front page as they come up. They update randomly to add more informaton, make note of the archive and when posts were first posted and see how the time changes. Take those times and plug them into Q posts for reference.
Before there was a post from awhile back that was 17:00 now we have another post at 17:00 with a geomagnetic alert. This alert was 100% on here earlier and they've since changed it. The old posts were to some interesting Q posts and for instance before the LA false alarm went off there was a post timed at 14:48 -> post 1448 gives us a Weather alert post. This was also based on a geomagnetic storm watch on spaceweather.gov
Guess what post 1700 is? It's VERY appropriate and sends a clear message:
— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Q
This is the perfect post after Hitler Biden speech.
I make mentions before that the last time this website got a lot of activity (based on solar activity) was just before the FBI raid happened. The posts then were relevant too.
Why do I think spaceweather.gov is comms as well? Space force FBI Solar observatory issue (someone arrested for Child porn? At the solar observatory? That they had to shut down? for a bit? It reeks of glowie bullshit) back in 2012 or early 2010's can't recall. Didn't make huge headlines but was very sus when it happened There is a Q post that outlines the detection of snoopers and how to avoid them, these posts follow that rule. The image has markers in the 4 corners with the logos between the agencies involved, they are always custom graphics. Plenty of times and numbers used to communicate from an image which is harder to scan and read.
Yes I know it sounds like a huge coincidence, but the post numbers and what happens in the current news are very strongly related, sure it can be coincidence but when you just try it out for yourself over a period of time you see that it can't be just random.
Other recent postings (up to you, some of them are the original times posts were posted, some are there update times, I'll just post links as I gather them for ease of use and curiousity) 1435 https://qalerts.app/?n=1435 - Nellie Ohr (Bruce Ohr, Russia russia russia info) 1658 https://qalerts.app/?n=1658 Sealed indictments 2056 https://qalerts.app/?n=2056 SCIFs (Sensitive compartmented information facility) relates to FBI raid and information/Hillary probably 1715 1619
I'm also finding out that their archive button no longer works, nor does manually trying to adjust the url to the 2nd page or otherwise. It wasn't broken in the past - this was fairly recent discovery. It's not like they change the website often, but they've been pushing some new functions and such (which update times often on those posts)
Give it a shot, it's something I've done for almost a year now, and I'm telling you, if you watch for it you can usually find info and know when some big stuff is going down. Seems to me that the geomagnetic watch posts and other posts are not posted every time something huge in spaceweather happens but usually only posted when it's moderate enough to make a post and a post is "needed". There is not formality to a "post" when it's recorded or posted, but the times are very much curated it feels like. This is the second 1700 post. It used to be one from 2 years ago that just kinda idled as outstanding news for awhile. It's since backed down from the recent posts. But this new one is also dated for exactly 17:00. Check out their other posting times, a solid on the hour post is rare.
Good post thanks, will go look.