The popular but false belief that climatic factors (temperature, wind, rain, ice formation) are achieving more extreme peaks and troughs than in pre-industrial times. Includes the false belief that Carbon Dioxide levels have a major influence on global temperatures. (Actually, the effect is insignificant compared with that of sun, clouds and volcanic ash.) Includes the false belief that sea levels are rising significantly because of melting ice caps and will continue to do so.
Climate Change: Definition
The popular but false belief that climatic factors (temperature, wind, rain, ice formation) are achieving more extreme peaks and troughs than in pre-industrial times. Includes the false belief that Carbon Dioxide levels have a major influence on global temperatures. (Actually, the effect is insignificant compared with that of sun, clouds and volcanic ash.) Includes the false belief that sea levels are rising significantly because of melting ice caps and will continue to do so.
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