The MegaMillions jackpot is $169,000,000 tonight. Only about $95,000,000 if you take a lump sum. And that leaves about $55,000,000 after taxes in my state.
"If the lottery is your retirement plan, you might be a redneck." -- Jeff Foxworthy
You've got the Big Guy tax, the aunt Nancy tax, the Schumer tax, the Mike & Barry tax, plus various fees and services from mandated vendors. What you got left might just help patch up some of those unwanted broken buyback arms that they keep sending as PR stunts.
Misspelled billion...
Found on TS - @RedPill68's post under Catturd's post:
Remember how Nov 2020 they had such big jackpots. Also remember what states those payoffs went too. Suspect if you ask me.
I also noticed how many active leftists sold their homes for way more than market values. Was this the new book deal?
yes, I would think so as well.
This is the type of meme material I'm talking about!
Goes right into the subconscious.
even when npcs are concerned?
Yes, the symbols hit them fast enough before the mind reacts.
Not expecting a full blown awakening, but it definitely plants the seeds.
The MegaMillions jackpot is $169,000,000 tonight. Only about $95,000,000 if you take a lump sum. And that leaves about $55,000,000 after taxes in my state.
"If the lottery is your retirement plan, you might be a redneck." -- Jeff Foxworthy
The guy that won the 1.4 billion some months back, after taxes "only" ended up with like 450 million.
You've got the Big Guy tax, the aunt Nancy tax, the Schumer tax, the Mike & Barry tax, plus various fees and services from mandated vendors. What you got left might just help patch up some of those unwanted broken buyback arms that they keep sending as PR stunts.
Funny, but also true.
Lots of money to fund his cocaine habit.
I've long been skeptical about how "random" the lottery is. Also scratch offs! Has there been attempts to find lotto fraud? Genuinely curious
There was an interesting story about some guy in the midwest that was rigging the lottery for himself and family to win. Not all use the air box and balls, some use computer systems to draw the numbers.
Zelensky must now be just about the richest european and all thanks to uncle Joe.