Step five: when the compliant sheep are locked in their houses blame the mysterious deaths on a new virus.
Step six: Absolutely destroy the economy and farming sector. So less money and food for next year. Gov abolish the greedy private sector that caused this and compassionately take complete control of food industry to ration out.
Step eight: introduce a communist new world order and feed the peasants out of your hand and starve them if they complain.
Step nine: RFiD/mark chip the cattle so you can keep track of everyone's equal share, for compassionate reasons of course.
Step ten: Release the antichrist, worship him or die.
Step Eternal: Jesus comes and crushes them and casts them into the lake and fire and brings his people to the promised land
The viruses scam not going to work..Rico cases in Utah against Joe Biden etc etc by David Martin.
Plus getting widely recognised no such thing as a virus and germ theory was debunked long ago.
I and I hope others will write to charities who function as spies and another arm of the government in these countries they go when war is on...and tell them the situation re deaths injuries..and that COVID vax is not a vax but a spike protein instruction to the body to produce toxins. It was premediated and it is a Rico crime
By law charities have to have a complaints section accessible by the public. There is also a charities commissioner if they don't respond
Step five: when the compliant sheep are locked in their houses blame the mysterious deaths on a new virus.
Step six: Absolutely destroy the economy and farming sector. So less money and food for next year. Gov abolish the greedy private sector that caused this and compassionately take complete control of food industry to ration out.
Step eight: introduce a communist new world order and feed the peasants out of your hand and starve them if they complain.
Step nine: RFiD/mark chip the cattle so you can keep track of everyone's equal share, for compassionate reasons of course.
Step ten: Release the antichrist, worship him or die.
Step Eternal: Jesus comes and crushes them and casts them into the lake and fire and brings his people to the promised land
The viruses scam not going to work..Rico cases in Utah against Joe Biden etc etc by David Martin.
Plus getting widely recognised no such thing as a virus and germ theory was debunked long ago.
I and I hope others will write to charities who function as spies and another arm of the government in these countries they go when war is on...and tell them the situation re deaths injuries..and that COVID vax is not a vax but a spike protein instruction to the body to produce toxins. It was premediated and it is a Rico crime
By law charities have to have a complaints section accessible by the public. There is also a charities commissioner if they don't respond
I just did UNICEF ethics