Sitting with a bunch of liberals. They are talking about their friends health issue. "How many people in your circle can get sick at once?!"
The one thing in common, they all got the clot shot.
Sorry folks. We tried to warn you.
Sitting with a bunch of liberals. They are talking about their friends health issue. "How many people in your circle can get sick at once?!"
The one thing in common, they all got the clot shot.
Sorry folks. We tried to warn you.
I’m trying to come to the “point it is not my problem,” but fuck…it’s getting very upsetting. Who am I to tell anyone how to handle their own health care? I flunked algebra for Pete’s sake.
Also, I just found out a doctor of mine died. I don’t know how. I cannot believe she died.
I’m just hoping for the best and leaving it all up to Jesus. Pray! Constantly throughout any and every moment.
Other people's bad choices are not your problem unless they put you in danger. Don't get upset over things you can't control, be guided by your morals and your gut. If you're here it's probably because at some point down the line you realized something was corrupt in the world being presented to you, so you decided to scratch that itch and wound up in the awakening process.
By now, people who got the shot have made up a good enough reason for why they got it or why they don't care that they got it. In fact, most people I know don't even talk about it anymore, it's just "something that happened" without a thought or a whim as to what the fuck it was all about. There's too much going on in day-to-day lives that the npc's just don't think about the why's and the what's of our system, it's just not in their interest and honestly that's just what they're about. You can't change it through force or pressure, you can't control their programming, but you can be an example of good choices while hopefully planting seeds along the way.
I had an appoint a good while back with my doctor. I it was canceled due to an emergency. It seemed odd because it was canceled two weeks out from my appointment date. I had wondered how the hell do you know you have an emergency two weeks ahead of the emergency.
When I made the appointment the doc explained. Doc had to go retrieve her father. Mom and pop had taken the jab with her begging them not to take it, and died a month or two later. Dad was doing very poorly.
Some people, even people connected to medical professionals are just to blindly obedient to think for themselves. Those people are being eliminated by an evil greater than many can even conceive. Their lifelong paradigm of everyone is just like me just won't let them go there.
The cabal is killing off the sheeple. What they are left with will be the radical free thinkers, and they are not going to like the result of their actions.