A very good read into the deception of the "Jew"
A very good read into the deception of the "Jew"
I agree wih almost everything you said. Especially the last part. But to think that I can raise my hand in church and claim to be a spiritual Israelite because of what I believe is I believe a far fetched fantasy. The Caucasians are the true Israelites.I do not see where the bible gives anyone anywhere permission to expand or change the promises made to Abraham.
I never refer to myself as an Israelite but a heir of the promises of Abraham through his seed (one person) The Lord Jesus Christ. I am white Caucasian and I hate multiculturalism.
Below the scriptures are clear that belief come from the hearing of the gospel, with believing come baptism (immersion) which post John the Baptist is always speaking of immersion of the Spirit. Verse 28 Iewe means Judahite here while Greek means nations. Salvation isn't exclusive to the Israelites. It's for anyone called by the gospel and led to saving grace by God.
Galatians 3:16,18-19,22,26-29
[16]Now to Abraham and his seede were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many, but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
[18]For if the inheritance bee of the Law, it is no more of promise: but God gaue it to Abraham by promise.
[19]Wherefore then serueth the Law? it was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come, to whome the promise was made, and it was ordeyned by Angels in the hand of a Mediatour.
[22]But the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne, that the promise by faith of Iesus Christ might be giuen to them that beleeue.
[26]For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus.
[27]For as many of you as haue bene baptized into Christ, haue put on Christ.
[28]There is neither Iewe, nor Greeke, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Iesus.
[29]And if yee be Christs, then are ye Abrahams seed, and heires according to the promise.
Thanks for your response. I hate multiculturalism too. Til the seed should come to whim the promises were made. That is exclusive. And to thy seed which is Christ. Christ is the promise to thy seed. Not that Christ is the singular seed. If so who is thy seed. Who is paul saying Christ is the seed of? I'm not arguing I learn from people like you that articulate and take the time. Thanks
You're welcome brother.
I do dislike forced multiculturalism but there's nothing wrong with natural multiculturalism. The Christian body is made up of those from all colors, races, and walks-of-life...a body of people who came from any previous creed or religion.