Are you a Ukrainian flag waving sheep? If not then this cheap jab was not aimed at you. But you better have contingencies in place for the winter coming because we don't know how far these assholes are going to get with their global agenda before they're brought down. Ultimately God wins. But in the meantime, buckle up because winter without heat is no joke. Been there done that. It was NOT fun!!! Which is why I would never attack my main source of heating my home.
As far as my 4 inch view: I was red pilled by reading prophecy books. Literal ones. You know the kind made of paper. I've been looking at the world stage from a 40,000 ft view for decades. Piece by piece, I've seen the agenda slowly fall into place as described in those prophecy books I read so long ago. Don't confuse a cheap jab at blue pilled Europeans as a myopic view of the world stage.
Are you a Ukrainian flag waving sheep? If not then this cheap jab was not aimed at you. But you better have contingencies in place for the winter coming because we don't know how far these assholes are going to get with their global agenda before they're brought down. Ultimately God wins. But in the meantime, buckle up because winter without heat is no joke. Been there done that. It was NOT fun!!! Which is why I would never attack my main source of heating my home.
As far as my 4 inch view: I was red pilled by reading prophecy books. Literal ones. You know the kind made of paper. I've been looking at the world stage from a 40,000 ft view for decades. Piece by piece, I've seen the agenda slowly fall into place as described in those prophecy books I read so long ago. Don't confuse a cheap jab at blue pilled Europeans as a myopic view of the world stage.