116 From Trump's toilet... STRAIGHT TO MOTHER RUSSIA! (It's a meme... Maybe! The Left really are this stupid!) (media.patriots.win) 🔱 POOP OCTOBER 🔱 posted 2 years ago by catsfive 2 years ago by catsfive +116 / -0 8 comments download share 8 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"Give me a turd Vasili. One turd only..."
The Hunt for Brown October...
How do you get an entire crew off a submarine?
I like to read thier trump rants and shit on reddit. It's hilarious 😂 😃
Toilet should be gold.
He has a gold toilet in Trump Tower, I wonder if he has one in Maralago
Being the germaphobes he and Melania are, I think you could bet your ass on that one.
Imagine being a retard, being unable to tell tell the difference between evidence vs staged propaganda photo.