70% Depopulation Of The U.S. Predicted By 2025 Via uk9994 @GAW
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That was their plan. I'm thinking they are going to fall miserably short of their goal. If they manage to get 10% by 2025, I will be very surprised. Let's all hope the most seriously brainwashed folks are the only ones that sacrifice themselves for the greater evolutionary good of humanity. Perhaps the 4-6% are the "lost" that got their 4th and 5th boosters and de-selected themselves from the gene pool.
They didnt get enough to fall for the death shot psyop. Among those who did initially, many stopped at 1 and even more at 2. I bet boosted is not much more than 15% of the population. And there are many who have taken steps to detox from the poison. How effectively is unknown.
I think these numbers will fail in most places. But you may see particularly rabid leftist enclaves nearing projected numbers. Sheep removing themselves from the gene pool.
If we do a really good job with vaccines something something...
...valid observation....
..."here's to the new boss....
,,,the same as the old boss"....
The poisons they injected us with are self-assembling nanotech. Death is a side effect. Counting on a subset to survive as transhuman slaves intimately connected to the internet of the body. Once they have the cattle down to their prophesied 500M, they closely control the numbers of new slaves and the genes that are passed on to the next generations.
I can't say for sure what is going on, but it is clear that something major is coming up. Whether you look at the 12,000 disaster cycle which very few know about or the obsession with the year 2030... THEY know their time is running out fast and are trying to get out ahead of it. They are trying to prevent The Great Awakening. They don't have a chance in hell of stopping it, but the rub there is that not everyone is going to make it.
Think about what a "tipping point" is. Once b overbalances is falls. This complex system we are in makes the thing tipping harder to see. The overall pictures seems to indicate we are there or near. Social chaos will add gravity to pull things down.
...nice description of a complicated situation...
...well done...